Your book title is the most important marketing decision you’ll make. Period.

The title is the first thing the reader sees or hears about your book- even before the cover in most cases- and getting it right is the single most important book marketing decision you’ll make. The title forms the basis of the reader’s judgment about your book.

Whether you have already finalized a title for your book or yet to decide on one, here are some important points to keep in mind when you finalize the title.

1. Ensure your title is unique. Having a unique title will make it easier for your readers to find your book on eCommerce sites. A lot of times, if there are other books with a similar or the same title, your readers may end up purchasing the other book instead of yours.

Pro Tip: The best way to check this is by searching for the title you want to have for the book on If there are other books with a similar title, consider changing it. If you don’t find any other titles with the same name- you know you have a winner!

However, if you are writing on a topic that is common under the non-fiction genre, it might be difficult to modify it and you might want to consider adding a sub-title as well. Read on below to learn how to choose the right sub-title for your book.

2. Keep it short. Shorter titles are the best. A short title is not only more memorable and easier to say for your target audience, it also gives space and flexibility for a better book cover.

3. Use the correct title format. Do not use special characters in the title. All words in a title should be in capital letters except 

  • Articles (a, an, the)
  • Prepositions (on, at, the)
  • Conjunctions (and but, or, for, so, yet etc)
  • The word “to” (A Walk to Remember). Unless it is at the start of a sentence.

This should give you a good head start to choosing the right title for your book. If you feel your book needs a Sub-Title, click here.

Learn more about preparing your manuscript for publishing here.